
twentieth and wisdom

July 20, 2010

What would it take for you to call yourself successful? -- Brian

To me, success is having confidence in myself, in all of my traits and talents, not just some of them. It’s being the best daughter, sister, friend, writer, coworker, student…the best woman I can be. It’s facing challenges instead of running from them. It’s standing up for yourself, believing in yourself when no one else will.

for the nineteenth inquisition essay, go here.

i've been forgetting my bits of wisdom. i've thought quite frequently lately of this book and the woman who gave it to me. i miss her.

i'm a bit behind in this. i believe i have missed five weeks. sorry.

this week's wisdom is thus:

but i do not want you to be ignorant
brethren, concerning those who have fallen
asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no
hope. for if we believe that jesus died and
rose again, even so god will bring with him
those who sleep in jesus. for this we say to you
by the word of the lord, that we who
are alive and will remain until the coming of the
lord will by no means precede those who are
asleep. for the lord himself will descend
from heaven with a shout, with the voice of
an archangel, and with the trumpet of god.
and the dead in christ will rise first. then we
who are alive and remain shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds to meet the
lord in the air. and thus we shall always be
with the lord. therefore comfort one
another with these words (1 thessalonians 4:13-18).

have you seen oscar lately?


  1. This project is really interesting. It seems really compelling.

  2. One of the things you listed to be a success is standing up for yourself. You stood up for yourself and believed in yourself enough to not accept a negative force (man) in your life. Because of that, in spite of everything else, that relationship was a success.
